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How do I play Quordle?
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Apr 26, 2024
11:59 PM
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to play quordle:

1. Objective: The goal of Quordle is to guess 4 different 5-letter words within 9 attempts.

2. Setup: When you start a new game, you'll see a grid with 4 word boxes, representing the 4 words you need to guess.

3. Guessing:
- On each turn, you'll enter a 5-letter word that you think might be one of the 4 words.
- Your guess word will appear in all 4 boxes.
- The letters in your guess will then be colored based on how close they are to the correct words:
- Green: The letter is in the correct word and in the correct position.
- Yellow: The letter is in the correct word but in the wrong position.
- Gray: The letter is not in any of the 4 words.

4. Feedback:
- After each guess, you'll see the colored letters in the 4 boxes, giving you feedback on how close you are to solving each word.
- Use this feedback to adjust your next guess and try to solve all 4 words.

5. Winning/Losing:
- If you correctly guess all 4 words within 9 attempts, you win the game.
- If you are unable to guess all 4 words within 9 attempts, you lose the game.

6. Important Notes:
- The 4 words you need to guess are completely independent, so you need to think of 4 different words in each attempt.
- Pay attention to the colors of the letters to narrow down the possible solutions for each word.
- Quordle is a more challenging version of Wordle, as you need to solve 4 words simultaneously.

Good luck and have fun playing Quordle!
Apr 27, 2024
12:00 AM
I also play quordle game
Apr 27, 2024
12:00 AM
thank you
Apr 27, 2024
12:39 AM
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