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Where is Duratia 60 Mg  manufactured?
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Duratia 60 Mg
Mar 27, 2024
12:43 AM
Duratia 60 mg is a medication used to treat premature ejaculation, containing the active ingredient dapoxetine. It is manufactured by Fortune Healthcare, a pharmaceutical company based in India. Fortune Healthcare is known for producing a range of generic medications for various medical conditions, including erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

As with any medication, it's important to ensure that Duratia 60 mg is obtained from a reputable source and used according to Duratia 60 guidance of a healthcare professional. Additionally, individuals should follow the dosage instructions and precautions provided by their healthcare provider or the medication's packaging insert.

If you have any questions about Duratia 60 mg or its manufacturer, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or pharmacist for further information.

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